martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

-Present Perfect and Review-

Hello guys!
Remember we have homework:

* Study Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Progressive.
* Exercises in the book.
* Worksheet Present Perfect.
* Write a paragraph about your experience help someone. (100 words)

Those are the links that you have to practice:

What Makes You Beautiful

The Lazy Song Bruno Mars 1

The Lazy Song Bruno Mars 2


If you have any question, sent me an email:

See you next Saturday! :D

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

CANS Recycling Campaign!

Hi guys!

I hope you had a nice week and that you are ready for this saturday!

I have news for you! SATURDAY NOVEMBER 26th is the CANS Recycling Campaign! So please, bring the cans you can!

I SENT you a power point presentation with the information, open and read in order to know more about this campaign. ;)

Remember, tomorrow is the 2nd. Oral Exam by questions, and we are going to make a reinforce -present perfect-.

Also, we are going to practice the Open House.

Have a nice friday!

Lic. Gabriela Salazar
Grammar and Development B

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

***** Practice!!!! *****

Hello Students! I hope you had a nice weekend.

As I told you last saturday:

* Review - in order that you study more the topics we have seen I am going to give you links for practice.

***** Adjectives:


•    Adjective or adverb
•    Adjectives comparison
•     Comparative and superlative

***** Modal Auxiliaries:


•  (video)

***** Also, I give you in advance activities to practice Present Perfect ( we saw an introduction )

Simple past VS Present Perfect Simple:

Have a nice day!!! ;D

Grammar B

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Halloween 2011 !!!!


CIDEB colores.JPG
  Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
   Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Educación Bilingüe
   Departamento de Educación Continua

22 de Octubre de 2011

Estimados Padres de Familia:
Reciban un caluroso saludo, el motivo del presente es para informarles que el próximo sábado 29 de Octubre del presente año se llevará a cabo nuestro tradicional concurso de disfraces, en el cual se premiarán a los tres primeros lugares.  El concurso se realizará durante el break en el Auditorio de nuestro Centro en los siguientes horarios:

Hora de Concurso
   9:50 a 10:20  am
01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11

  10:30 a 11:00  am
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, Computer Lab 1

1er Lugar:   $500 pesos
%2ndo Lugar: $300 pesos
&3er Lugar:   $200 pesos

Sin más por el momento quedamos de Ustedes,

Dr. Socorro Guajardo González             Lic. Mónica Denise Molina Estrada
                      Director                                           Coordinadora del Departamento de Educación Continua

Nota: NO es obligatorio que sus hijos asistan disfrazados.

Av. Lázaro  Cárdenas Ote. s/n, Unidad Mederos, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México, C.P. 64930.   ((81) 83294180 Ext. 5275*5276  Fax: (81) 83573446

miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2011


Hello Students!

How have been your week? Well, remember for next saturday you have a quiz about future, that´s why I add a link here on our blog.

See you on saturday!

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

1st. Oral Exam

Hello Students!

Watch this video and think about:

What will happen at the end?

* We have as homework choose your Oral Exam topic, you could select among:

-Famous People
-Likes and dislikes

You have to send a Power Point Presentation before than Saturday October 8th to this email:

With the subject: Oral Exam Cideb

- Your oral exam is an oral exam, please, don't read the information.
- 3 to 5 minutes.
-You can make notes in a little paper.

Questions?  Ask me this Saturday!

Have a nice day!

2nd Partial !!!

Hello guys!

How was your week?

Remember this Saturday we have the 2nd Partial!

I will give you some links in order to practice, hope you like it.

Past Simple:
Verbs in past

Exercise Past Tense

Also, as part of homework you have to choose the Topic for your oral exam.

Have a nice day!

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011

Present Simple and Present Progressive

Hi guys!

How are you?

* Remeber next class (tomorrow) we have the 1st. parents meeting at 12pm in classroom 10.

-Students will make a short paragraph about their daily activities.

***** Collect news paper! ******

Have a nice day!!!

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011

Articles & Nouns

Guys, How are you?

Let's practice the topic we seen in class.

Articles & Nouns!

:::Articles::: --> Indefinite: a / an     ,     Definite: the

:::Nouns::: -->

What are nouns?

The simple definition is: a person, place or thing. Here are some examples:
•person: man, woman, teacher, John, Mary
•place: home, office, town, countryside, America
•thing: table, car, banana, money, music, love, dog, monkey

-Countable Nouns:
Have a singular and plural forms. we can use a/ an before them in the singular... and numbers, some, any, many, etc. in plural.

-Uncountable Nouns:
Have only a singular form. We cannot use a= an or numbers before them. To express quantity, we use some, any, ucho, little, a lot of, etc.


Remeber we have HW:

* Answer page 38 and 39 from your book.
* You are going to take the TOEFL.
* Answer the 2 worksheets given.
*Study for the 1st. Partial Exam.
Have a nice day! XD

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011

Welcome to Grammar & Development!!!!

Hello students:

I hope you have had good vacations, now we come back to school. =)

As you saw in the classroom, we made a review with topics like:
* Present, Past and Future.
* Subject and Predicate.
* Kinds of Sentences (Declarative, Imperative, Exclamatory, Interrogative).

1. Do the worksheet #1.
2. Write a paragraph about the things that you like and dislikes, at least 75 words.
3. Get the book: Live English Grammar (the blue one).
4. Paper signed by your parents.

Remember practicing english every day, reading the book, listening music with lyrics, watching movies or just talking with your friends in english.

See you next Saturday,

Miss Gabriela Salazar.

Butterfly Circus