miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011

Articles & Nouns

Guys, How are you?

Let's practice the topic we seen in class.

Articles & Nouns!

:::Articles::: --> Indefinite: a / an     ,     Definite: the

:::Nouns::: -->

What are nouns?

The simple definition is: a person, place or thing. Here are some examples:
•person: man, woman, teacher, John, Mary
•place: home, office, town, countryside, America
•thing: table, car, banana, money, music, love, dog, monkey

-Countable Nouns:
Have a singular and plural forms. we can use a/ an before them in the singular... and numbers, some, any, many, etc. in plural.

-Uncountable Nouns:
Have only a singular form. We cannot use a= an or numbers before them. To express quantity, we use some, any, ucho, little, a lot of, etc.



Remeber we have HW:

* Answer page 38 and 39 from your book.
* You are going to take the TOEFL.
* Answer the 2 worksheets given.
*Study for the 1st. Partial Exam.
Have a nice day! XD

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011

Welcome to Grammar & Development!!!!

Hello students:

I hope you have had good vacations, now we come back to school. =)

As you saw in the classroom, we made a review with topics like:
* Present, Past and Future.
* Subject and Predicate.
* Kinds of Sentences (Declarative, Imperative, Exclamatory, Interrogative).

1. Do the worksheet #1.
2. Write a paragraph about the things that you like and dislikes, at least 75 words.
3. Get the book: Live English Grammar (the blue one).
4. Paper signed by your parents.

Remember practicing english every day, reading the book, listening music with lyrics, watching movies or just talking with your friends in english.

See you next Saturday,

Miss Gabriela Salazar.

Butterfly Circus